# of watchers: 30
Fans: 0
| D20: 5 |
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Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
2005-04-07 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: awwww no fair i want chicken <<pouts in corner>>
2005-04-07 [DenDen]: *blinks and gives her some chicken* o.o
2005-04-07 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: what does it taste like?
2005-04-07 [iCh3wi]: Llamas of course and just a hint of Liver
2005-04-07 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *sticks tongue out* yeuck....liver
2005-04-08 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: taste more liek ground up hobo is ya ask me.....
2005-04-08 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: really? never tasted that before...
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: only when its school food :P
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: eeyuck...i don't eat my school's food....
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: i do, its hobo-tastic ^^
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: thats...great.
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<grins trumphantly>>
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: <<grins for the heck of it>>
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: weeeeeeeeeeeee ^^
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: wweeeeeeeeeeee
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lmao :P
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: Penis envy – An aspect of Sigmund FREUD’s developmental theory. Freud believed that during development girls had to switch from having the mother as the love object to having the father as the love object: and also switch from the clitoris to the vagina as the main genital zone. At about the age of four, Freud believed that girls first discovered they lacked a penis. The girl will blame her mother or the lack of a penis and the consequent hurt to her own self-esteem. This causes the girl to give up clitoral sexuality, and turn to the father as love object. This aspect of Freud’s theory has received a great deal of criticism, particularly from feminist psychoanalysts
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: oO i never heard'a that a'fore.....
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: me either...i thought it was funny though
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *sighs once again*
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh whats that?
2005-04-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: 's fuckeng hilarrious, especialy if you seen the music video of "a thing called love" by the darkness :P
2005-04-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh...but it wouldn't load on my computer...
2005-04-10 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: damn.....
2005-04-10 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: -_-
2005-04-10 [holy ghost]: lol... ahhh well...
2005-04-10 [iCh3wi]: Hey Giganto, I'm expanding my section of the EP Independent, Would you be interested in working for me and be Asistant Editor? You even get a badge in your house after the issue you help with is released.
2005-04-10 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: assitant editor!!! I WOULD LOVE TO, CROWE!!!
2005-04-19 [DenDen]: wow that's cool O_O
2005-04-19 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: yes it is!!!
2005-04-21 [Morfeaohtarawen]: now i'm jelous, thanks a lot
2005-04-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: your jealous? why are you jealous?
2005-04-21 [Morfeaohtarawen]: you get global recognition and a shiny badge. MUST HAVE SHINY!!
2005-04-21 [Morfeaohtarawen]: no, i'm really happy for you :)
2005-04-21 [DenDen]: o_o i need help with my wiki!
2005-04-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: thanks, i really am excited to start on it, but anyway, kryp. you need help with your wiki? i can help, as long as its not too hard.
2005-04-21 [DenDen]: nah it's a wiki for us ladies ^_^
2005-04-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: what!? i am a lady!!!!
2005-04-21 [holy ghost]: im a lady toooooo.... *puppy eyes*
2005-04-21 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: she thinks i am a guy!
2005-04-22 [holy ghost]: who thinks ur a guy?
2005-04-22 [DenDen]: ohhhh thats why u think I thought u were a man noo coco you read it wrong I meant us ladies meaning you me and any other girl! lol
2005-04-22 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh....
2005-04-22 [iCh3wi]:
2005-04-22 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: my god! thats hilarious!!!
2005-04-23 [Morfeaohtarawen]: awwwwwww! that's so cute!
2005-04-23 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: what huh?
2005-04-24 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: that picture crowe put up
2005-04-25 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: i cant see it.....
2005-04-25 [DenDen]: gIR ME OVER!
2005-04-25 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hey i can see it now... damn, konqueror sucks >.<
2005-04-25 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: DAMN!!!! nice bod!
2005-04-25 [DenDen]: O______O
2005-04-25 [holy ghost]: heheheheh! lol! crowe, can i put that pic in my house plz?
2005-04-25 [iCh3wi]: Sure , have fun!
2005-04-25 [holy ghost]: yay! *hugs*
2005-04-26 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: weeeeeeeeeeeee
2005-04-27 [holy ghost]: *listens to moby*
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: who's moby?
2005-04-27 [holy ghost]: he makes very chilled like mmusic... tis very pretty! if u get a chance, do check out some of his songs!
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: hmm....moby...
2005-04-27 [holy ghost]: natural blues, we are all made of stars... those are the only ones i can remember atm... lol! but check out some of his other stuff... tis v guud :-)
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ok, sounds good^
2005-04-27 [holy ghost]: yep yep! u checkin them out?
2005-04-27 [*_*]: lalalalalalala
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i can't..
2005-04-27 [*_*]: what u ok
2005-04-27 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: no, i like taco's! i can't listen to moby is what i meant
2005-04-27 [*_*]: o ok
2005-04-29 [Morfeaohtarawen]: you can't resist tacos
2005-04-29 [*_*]: lol yep
2005-04-29 [holy ghost]: ow comes u cant listen 2 moby?
2005-04-29 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: yes... do tell....
2005-05-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: my computer is being awesome...
2005-05-02 [Morfeaohtarawen]: mine is being mean
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: mine rocks.. but the speakers are broke >.<
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: mines a piece o' shit
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol, mine rocks:P
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: i want a camel : CAMEL CAMEL CAMEL CAMEL!
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<chews on marker>>
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *bends over*
2005-05-02 [holy ghost]:
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: lol, quite a moment
2005-05-02 [holy ghost]: heheh... sorry, i couldn't help myself...
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: BONG AND A BLITZ
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: Smoke and a Flapjack?
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *shakes head no*
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: oh......EGGS
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: and BACON
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: I wanna camel, buy me a camel Giagnto and Ill buy you a Babaoon
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: lol, ok, crowe! *gathers dabloons and buys a camel for crowe*
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<listens to Absinthe With Faust>>
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: <<listens to Mozart>>
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: shiny :P
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: DOOM
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: LOOM
2005-05-02 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: How do I become a member of the Gir followers?
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uhm... good question! lol
2005-05-02 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: lol
2005-05-02 [iCh3wi]: Add your name to the list, hit the edit button
2005-05-02 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: where?
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: at the top of the comment section
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: i can add you if you want
2005-05-02 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: if you could plz
2005-05-02 [Morfeaohtarawen]: you're new, aren't you?
2005-05-02 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: okay! i shall
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol
2005-05-02 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: yes i am
2005-05-02 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: thank u Giganto_coconu
2005-05-02 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: weeeeeee *^,^*
2005-05-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: your welcome!
2005-05-04 [holy ghost]: heheh! the joy of a new member! lets celebrate!
2005-05-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *celebrates*
2005-05-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<spreads cheese on a giant cracker>>
2005-05-04 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: <<jumps on cracker, getting covered in cheese*
2005-05-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<licks the cheese off of you>>
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *giggles* that tickles jova..
2005-05-05 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: wow u guys scare me
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: would you like some cheese, goddess o' sarcasam?
2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: I wanna be a fishie, I wanna be a duck, cause if i was a duck, all I would do is............
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: LMAO!!!! your so funny, crowe!!
2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: I wanna be a bassie, because if i was a bassie, id slide down on my............
2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: lolool, thnx Giganto
2005-05-05 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: what will we ever do with you...
2005-05-05 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<twitch>>
2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: YES (throws peanut butter at Nuka and Jova)
2005-05-05 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<licks peanutbutter off nuka>>
2005-05-05 [*_*]: lol hey thats hot mmmm lol
2005-05-05 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<smiles innocently>>
2005-05-05 [*_*]: looyour not lol
2005-05-05 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: wel... anyways i gotta go sleep nite <<hug>>
2005-05-05 [*_*]: <<<<hugs tight>>>>>>
2005-05-05 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: sure i'lll take some chesse
2005-05-05 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: weeeeeeeeeee *^,^* no morre sleep., lol
2005-05-05 [iCh3wi]: NO MORE SLEEP! (trows cheese at Sarcazum)
2005-05-05 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: thanx i think lol
2005-05-06 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<twitch>> i want a cupcake.....
2005-05-06 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: ::puppy dog face:: I want a cupcake
2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: ...
2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: fine...*gives nuka a cupcake*
2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oh yes!! *gives master cupcake witha llama face on it* there!!
2005-05-06 [holy ghost]: can i have a cupcake too *puppy face*
2005-05-06 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: of course! *gives you one*
2005-05-06 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: I never got on *crawls up in to a corner and crys*
2005-05-07 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: *gives everybody one*
2005-05-07 [Mrs. Dani Hardy-Cena]: *sniffs* thanks
2005-05-07 [DenDen]: cupcake! *eats it happily*
2005-05-07 [Morfeaohtarawen]: yay! I will call you hopona
2005-05-07 [Morfeaohtarawen]: where?
2005-05-08 [Morfeaohtarawen]: yucky
2005-05-08 [iCh3wi]: No, I live in Texas.
2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: Thank you for helping to move that a little further up the page, and into the comment histories never to be read again.
2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: Ok, since Im the owner, I delted all of those comments, we will never see them again. So how is everyone?
2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: Thank you kindly. I am fine thank ye, and yerself?
2005-05-09 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: what comments?
2005-05-09 [Morfeaohtarawen]: it looks funny now, i don't make sence. not that i ever did.
2005-05-09 [iCh3wi]: I deleted the comments on the whole sheep/ dog thing.
2005-05-09 [Morfeaohtarawen]: oh yeah, now i remember that
2005-05-09 [Panda-monium]: I wish I didn't.
2005-05-09 [Morfeaohtarawen]: same
2005-05-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<twitch>>
2005-05-09 [Morfeaohtarawen]: *spazum*
2005-05-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: whats tor reason for involentary movement?
2005-05-09 [Morfeaohtarawen]: bad images
2005-05-09 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: lol, poor you
2005-05-09 [Morfeaohtarawen]: *mind wipes for all!*
2005-05-10 [this useris dead]: ello
2005-05-10 [this useris dead]: ummmm as soon as i post something the room goes quite i wonder why?
2005-05-10 [holy ghost]: i dunno... sorry! *makes it all loud n stuff* lol! i hope ur happy now! yay! lol!
2005-05-11 [this useris dead]: lol that i am, <(n_n)> so wahts up
2005-05-11 [spank monkey]: hey how is everyone i dont know n e of u i feel like an idiot
2005-05-11 [this useris dead]: lol hey dont i dont know any one either so hey
2005-05-11 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<pokes>> i know neither of you
2005-05-12 [iCh3wi]: Neither do I, allow myself to introduce. . . . . .myself. I am Richard (or Crowe as some prefer) the owner. Jova here is my cheese monkey associate.
2005-05-12 [this useris dead]: And me is no one of importance GreatSpoo
2005-05-12 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: and your my master, right crowe?
2005-05-12 [Morfeaohtarawen]: that smiley is so cute! <(n._.n)>
2005-05-12 [iCh3wi]: Yes, also I am Giganto_Coconu
2005-05-12 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<pokes everyone>>
2005-05-12 [this useris dead]: It is all mine all mine
2005-05-12 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: what huh?
2005-05-13 [iCh3wi]: no clue, sounds weird thoguh
2005-05-13 [this useris dead]: It is all mine all mine and [Morfeaohtarawen] is trying to steal it
2005-05-13 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: how so?
2005-05-13 [this useris dead]: beacyuse i made it and it is all mine * Bites anyone who says different
2005-05-14 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<agrees with you>>
2005-05-15 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: i feel kinda dead
2005-05-15 [this useris dead]: whats wrong?
2005-05-15 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: i dunno... i just feel <<blej>>
Number of comments: 2747
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